Harvard sat scores
Harvard sat scores

harvard sat scores

Similarly, there were probably only 10000 seats at schools like Stanford, UChicago, JHU, Rice, Vanderbilt, Duke, Georgetown, WashU. You can probably guess that there were less than 10,000 because of legacy, recruited athletes, VIP, development candidates, and kids of employees ate up a 1/3 of them.

harvard sat scores

In the last cycle, 405,000 HS students applied for the 15,000 seats at Ivy colleges. There are only a limited amount of seats at Ivys and other Elite colleges. I was a bit off with the ACT which ended up 33-36 but still up on the 75% band)ģ. I checked today 7/31/22, 8 months later and the 2021-22 Harvard Common data set now shows a middle of 1480-1580 so I was 100% spot on with this guesstimate. So when the 2021-22 Common Set Set comes out, it very well might look like 1480-1580 for the SAT and 34/35 for the ACT for the middle 50% of the 1500 that submitted. If 2 years ago they admitted 2000 with a 50% middle range of 1460/1580 SAT and 33/35 ACT and then last year, only 1500 of the admits had submitted test scores, the stats will be up slightly because they are only counting the high scores of the 1500, not the 500 that didn't submit. What this means is that with test-optional, ACT/SAT scores are artificially higher during current cycles versus previous cycles because only those with high test scores are counted in the admissions stats. Mathematically if say a 1/4 to 1/2 or the incoming admit class didn't submit a test score, the colleges still record the test scores of those that submitted. Although some applicants do not submit test scores, in 99 out of 100 cases, the admit stats reflect that more students were admitted who submitted versus those that didn't submit.Ģ. This helps them get to their institutional goals. And if they get more applicants, they make more application fee revenue and can shape their incoming class with a broader pool of applicants. So colleges like Colgate that received twice as many applications in 2021 vs 2020 can accept the same amount of students and their admit rate looks 50% better. If there admit rates go down, that will directly affect their rankings positively. Colleges want as many people as possible to apply because it makes their admit stats look better. Standardized Tests actually matter so there is a fallacy to the marketing messages of colleges telling you that your application will be reviewed holistically. Here are the big takeaways in no particular order.ġ. I feel it's important to share and discuss this with you Class of 2026 applicants because perhaps it will better inform your decision to apply to certain schools or modify your list. But why does it seem that this still doesn't help many students vying to get into Harvard or an Ivy? Today Harvard announced that next year will be test-optional as well so this will be the 3rd year test scores are not required by the hardest school to get into in America, and perhaps the world. Your gut says that if colleges are trying to make admissions a level playing field and are not requiring standardized tests, shouldn't ACT/SAT test scores are going down instead of going up?

Harvard sat scores